
This is the base class which all ISP implementations inherit from.

class tekuila.tekuila.Tekuila(apikey=None, cap=None, warn_ratio=None, verbose=False)[source]

Base class for parsing the ISP quota API and act upon the results.

Construct a new fetch/parser to check cap and warn levels.

  • apikey – API key for ISP
  • cap – Your cap in GB
  • warn – The ratio you would like a warning to be returned from check_cap in 0.0 to 1.0 ratio.
  • verbose – Boolean, True to print output.

Check if cap exists, if so check if download total has been exceeded based on fetched results.

Parameters:verbose – Force print and warnings or errors.
Returns:True if exceeded False otherwise.

If cap and warn limit are set, check if the user has passed the set threshold set in the config file.

Parameters:verbose – Force print any warnings or errors.
Returns:True if exceeded, False otherwise.

Child class must implement. Fetches the data from the ISPs API URI and set’s appropriate values see set_download_data.


Loads in the config file from config path provided, looking for api key, cap limit and warn limit.

Parameters:config_path – Path to config file to parse for API key, warn and cap variables.

Child class must implement. Prints the data pulled from the ISP results fetched from the API. Can be forced or defaulted to print if verbose is set in __init__

Parameters:verbose – Print details.